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App::financeta is a GUI to perform Technical Analysis for stocks using the Perl Data Language (PDL)

Table of Contents

Using App::financeta

Starting the Application

We hope that you have successfully installed the application as outlined here. If you have installed it from CPAN, you need to start the application like this on Linux or BSD or Mac OS X or Cygwin:

$ financeta

If you’re using Strawberry Perl on Windows, you will need to run it like this:

> financeta.bat

If you have installed the software from Github, you are running it in developer mode and you should be running it like this:

$ perl -Mblib ./bin/financeta

Please refer to the install page for more details on installing the application from Github and CPAN.

On Linux and other Unix variants, you need X-server running to view the GUI. On Mac OS X, if you have installed Gnuplot, you will already have X-server installed and the application should automatically start it up.

Commandline options

The following commandline options are supported:

Selecting a Security

When we refer to the word security, we mean a company stock. However, as time progresses and if data is freely available, we will be adding options and futures to the mix as well. Hence security is a term that groups all of these under one.

Using the menu option ‘Security’ followed by ‘New’ as shown in the image below, start the ‘Security Wizard’ dialog. Enter a valid stock symbol such as ‘MSFT’ in the ‘Enter Security Symbol’ text box, select the start and end dates for which you want data for (by default this is set to one year back from today) and hit the ‘OK’ button.

If you do not know which symbol you need to enter you can hit the ‘Symbol Search’ button and it will start your default web browser and visit Yahoo! Finance for you to perform the search there. Since they already provide an exhaustive database of symbols and information on symbols, their service is complementary to App::financeta. We do not feel the need to duplicate their efforts.

You will see a new tab opens with the name of the symbol you entered, which is ‘MSFT’ in this case and all the stock data listed in tabular form. You will also see a plot drawn in Gnuplot in a separate window that is started up and controlled by the application.

The data downloaded is saved in $TMPDIR on Linux or BSD or Mac OSX and $TEMP or $TMP on Windows. If $TMPDIR is not set, then /tmp/ is used. The data is stored in a CSV file and if the same date range is used by the user, the data is downloaded only once. If the user wants to force the download of the data, they can select the ‘Force download’ option in the ‘Security Wizard’.

The steps are outlined as follows:

Select New from the Security menu option
Select New from the ‘Security’ menu option
Select a Stock Symbol in the Security Wizard
Select a Stock Symbol in the Security Wizard

NOTE: The date in the CSV file has to be in the Unix time format.

View the data retrieved in a tab
View the data retrieved in a tab
OHLC Gnuplot for data
OHLC Gnuplot for data

Let us look at the various plot types that the application provides.

Selecting a Plot

Various types of plots are provided to the user as part of this application. Using the ‘Plot’ menu option, the user can select any type of plot and the Gnuplot window will automatically display that plot type.

Plot Menu
Plot Menu

The current supported plot types are as follows:

OHLC & Volume Plot
OHLC & Volume Plot
Close Price Plot
Close Price Plot
Close Price & Volume Plot
Close Price & Volume Plot
Candlestick Plot
Candlestick Plot

Now it is time to select an indicator to add to the plot.

Selecting an Indicator

To perform analysis on the security selected above, we need to try out some indicators. Various types of indicators are available to the user and details about each of them are provided in the chapter titled Indicators. We have counted about 132 indicators that we provide as part of App::financeta that are available from ta-lib. However, once we are satisfied with the documentation of all the indicators available, and the application has all the expected features outlined in the Introduction, we will add our own custom indicators as well.

Let us try to do the simplest indicator - Simple Moving Average. This is a form of Overlap indicator, since it overlaps with the actual price data.

The steps to add this indicator are below: - Load the data for the security ‘MSFT’ or your favorite stock as shown above. The OHLC or Close Price plots should be selected depending on your prefernce.

Add Indicator Option
Add Indicator Option

Similarly one can add various indicators to the selected security tab.

Removing an Indicator

Once you have added one or more indicators, you may want to remove some that you do not like or do not want to use or think that you may want to change parameters for them. The simplest way to do this is by using the ‘Remove Indicator’ menu option that we provide as shown in the image below.

Remove Indicator Option
Remove Indicator Option
Remove Indicator Wizard
Remove Indicator Wizard

Saving the Strategy

The concept of a strategy in App::financeta consists of a security that the user selects, a date range, a collection of indicators and rules for buying and selling. Using the Save menu option the user can save the required contents of a tab such as the security name, date ranges, indicator details and rules into a YAML file. Since YAML is easily readable and editable manually, the user can manually edit an existing strategy file and create multiples of them using any scripting language as well.

Using the Open menu option the user can quickly open an existing strategy file and load its contents into the GUI. Since the strategy file does not store any data itself, it is easy to reuse it and share it with other users.

Open Menu options
Open Menu options
Save Menu options
Save Menu options

Adding Rules

The user can add custom rules to buy and sell stocks to the strategy. To do this the user clicks the Add/Edit Rules menu option in the Analysis menu on the toolbar of the main GUI window.

Select Add/Edit Rules
Select Add/Edit Rules

This will open a custom editor window for the current tab and will display existing rules that the user may have already written and saved or will be blank if the user is writing rules for the first time.

Rules Editor
Rules Editor

Once the user has typed in the rules they like to test out, the Save menu option in the editor window has to be clicked to save the rules to the strategy file for reloading later and for execution purposes. Each tab will have its own editor window allowing the user to copy-and-paste rules from one strategy to another.

Rules Editor Save option
Rules Editor Save option

If the user does not click Save the rules will not be saved to the strategy file and the internal tab manager will not execute these rules until they are saved.

To understand how to write rules refer to the chapter on Rules.

Let us move on to understanding the indicators in the next chapter.

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