Since we are going to be running using Perl and PDL, we will have to install all the Perl related modules first. The assumption is that the reader will be practicing this on Linux, but they are open to experimenting with Windows or MacOS or other BSD flavors of Unix. However, installing on those systems is left as an exercise for the reader.
In order to get up and running, we will need an environment for running Python, the Jupyter Notebook, the relevant libraries, and the code needed to run the book itself.
Installation on Linux
For Debian-based Linux distributions, installing PDL
and Perl is a breeze.
We install the system Perl, but then use cpanminus
to install the latest
versions of PDL
. This install can take some time to complete, about 30-45
minutes on a modern system.
We will install all the PDL
modules in the user’s home directory.
## install system perl
$ sudo apt -y install perl cpanminus \
liblocal-lib-perl build-essential \
cmake pkg-config autotools-dev automake \
autoconf make g++ gfortran swig \
gnuplot graphviz libjson-xs-perl libdatetime-perl
## install default modules for that perl version
$ PERL_MODULES_VER=$(apt-cache search ^perl-modules | cut -d' ' -f 1)
$ sudo apt -y install $PERL_MODULES_VER
$ which cpanm /usr/bin/cpanm
## create local directory where installation will happen
$ mkdir -p ~/perl5/lib/perl5
$ eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
Add the following two lines to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
or ~/.profile
eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
Now that you have added the two lines to your ~/.bashrc
or similar shell
config file, restart your shell or source
your ~/.bashrc
Let’s install the remaining packages we need to move forward with using PDL
for deep learning.
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ cpanm PDL PDL::Perldl2 Text::CSV_XS PDL::CCS GraphViz Hash::Ordered \
Function::Parameters Mouse PDL::IO::CSV Data::Frame PDL::LinearAlgebra \
PDL::Graphics::Simple PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot
## for building AI::MXNet
$ cpanm Alien::SWIG4 File::Which
$ which perldl
$ which pdl2
Installation on Windows
Strawberry Perl is the supported version of Perl
on Windows that supports PDL out of the box. You must install the zip release
that comes with PDL
. As of this writing it is PDL zip
The rest of the packages can be installed using the Perl or CPAN shell that comes with the installer, and the same packages as above will be needed.
C:\StrawberryPerl\> cpanm PDL::Perldl2 Text::CSV_XS PDL::CCS Hash::Ordered \
Function::Parameters Mouse
Installing the Deep Learning Framework mxnet
Before installing any deep learning framework, please first check whether or not you have proper GPUs on your machine (the GPUs that power the display on a standard laptop are not relevant for our purposes). For example, if your computer has NVIDIA GPUs and has installed CUDA, then you are all set. If your machine does not house any GPU, there is no need to worry just yet. Your CPU provides more than enough horsepower to get you through the first few chapters. Just remember that you will want to access GPUs before running larger models.
NOTE: As of 2024, MXNet was retired by the Apache foundation. The last supported CUDA version in the original MXNet was 11.8. We use a version that we have modified for CUDA 12.6 and it can be found here. The shows how to build both the CPU and GPU versions of the C++ library.
The reader must refer to those instructions first and install the
library in a folder that is accessible to the reader, either in /usr/local
in $HOME/mxnet/
and we will refer to this by the MXNET_LIB
To install a GPU-enabled version of MXNet, we need to find out what version of
CUDA you have installed. You can check this by running nvcc --version
Assume that you have installed CUDA 12.6, the instructions above should be
$ export MXNET_DIR=$HOME/mxnet/
$ export MXNET_LIB=$HOME/mxnet/lib
Installing AI::MXNet
The Perl package AI::MXNet
is a
high-level package to use the MXNet C++ library in Perl with PDL
. We will
cover this in the upcoming chapters.
After you have setup PDL
correctly, you need to run the following to install
We will install this from our Github
fork. If you have
followed instructions from the above section, you already have this installed
and have compiled the
library successfully, either in CPU mode or
in GPU mode.
The original MXNet code has been archived, so we have been making our own modifications to keep it working and up-to-date as best as possible.
Remember that the environment variable MXNET_DIR
has to be set as above to
point to the installed version of the built library. This folder will have
the include files and the library files that are needed by the Perl packages.
$ cd modified-mxnet/perl-package
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
$ cd ..
To test that the installation worked, you can run perldoc AI::NNVMCAPI
Next we install AI-MXNetCAPI
$ cd modified-mxnet/perl-package
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
$ cd ..
To test that the installation worked, you can run perldoc AI::MXNetCAPI
Next we install AI-MXNet
$ cd modified-mxnet/perl-package
$ cd AI-MXNet
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
$ cd ..
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